Anna Bavaresco

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I am currently a PhD student in the ELLIS program at the University of Amsterdam. I am supervised by Raquel Fernández and co-supervised by Marie-Francine Moens (KU Leuven). My research focuses on computational linguistics and visually-grounded linguistic models. I am deeply interested in both AI and Cognitive Science, and through my work, I aim to bridge the gap between these two disciplines.

A little bit about my background

I hold a BSc in Science and Technology of Cognitive Psychology and a MSc in Data Science, both pursued at the University of Trento, Italy. The title of my Master's thesis was Modelling Human Representational Space Using Wighted Pruning of Deep Neural Networks and Similarity-Based Soft Labels.

After finishing my Master's, I spent four months as a research assistant at the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC), collaborating with prof. Uri Hasson. My work at CIMeC was mostly concerned with using DNNs (Deep Neural Networks) trained for image classification to predict human behaviour.


2023 2022